Découvrez de Vraies Histoires de Succès

Découvrez les Cas où les Machines Hydrema Font la Différence

Plongez dans notre collection d'histoires de clients et d'études de cas pour voir comment nos machines Hydrema innovantes aident les entreprises du monde entier à atteindre une efficacité et une productivité remarquables. Lisez des témoignages de première main sur la manière dont notre équipement excelle dans divers secteurs et projets, favorisant le succès grâce à une technologie avancée et des performances fiables.

A. Enggaard and Hydrema

Building Success Together

A. Enggaard, one of Denmark's largest privately-owned construction companies, has been shaping the Danish landscape with its innovative projects and formidable fleet of machinery. At the heart of their success story lies a decade-long partnership with Hydrema, a relationship built on trust, quality, and shared values.

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Livbjerggaard & Hydrema

Generations of Collaboration

Livbjerggaard Entreprenørforretning, headed by Karl Iver Jensen, has evolved from a machine station to a specialised contracting business. In close co-operation with Hydrema, the acquisition of a new 926G backhoe loader marks an important step in the company's technological development and preparation for an upcoming generational change.

Livbjergaard 5

Maabjerg og Hydrema

A Partnership Reborn

Entreprenørfirmaet Maabjerg is a company with deep roots in construction work in western Jutland, Denmark. They have had many machines over the years, and the history between Hydrema and Maabjerg dates back to the 1970s, when Maabjerg first had a Hydrema machine. Today, they have once again chosen to acquire a Hydrema 906G backhoe loader.

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