Politique de confidentialité

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When you use the Hydrema website, you trust us with your information. This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it and what we do with it. This is important, not only to ensure the safety of your personal data, but also to ensure you that Hydrema is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that will be enforced starting May 25th, 2018.

This Privacy Policy applies when visiting the following EU website domains:

This Privacy Policy is not applicable to the following non-EU domains:

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR is a European Union law intended to strengthen and unify data protection rules and rights for the benefit of EU citizens. GDPR applies to EU organizations and to non-EU organizations (of any size) that provide goods and services to the EU or that utilize tracking technologies (like cookies or tracking pixels) to monitor EU users’ behavior.
Learn more about the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR).

1. Personal Information - What we collect and why

We offer certain site features, services, applications, and tools that are available only through the use of the following tracking technologies. You are always free to block, delete, or disable these technologies if your browser, installed application, or device so permits. However, if you decline cookies or other similar technologies, you may not be able to take advantage of certain site features, services, applications, or tools. 
Generally, these technologies allow our sites, services, applications, and tools to store relevant information in your browser or device and later read that information in order to identify you to our servers or internal systems. Where applicable, we protect our cookies and other similar technologies to help ensure that only we and/or our authorized service providers can interpret them by assigning them a unique identifier that is designed for interpretation only by us.

This website collects and uses personal information for the following reasons:

1.1. Google Analytics

Like most websites, this site uses Google Analytics (GA) to track user interaction. We use this data to determine the number of people using our site, to better understand how they find and use our web pages and to see their journey through the website.
Although GA records data such as your geographical location, device, internet browser and operating system, none of this information personally identifies you to us. GA also records your computer’s IP address which could be used to personally identify you but Google do not grant us access to this. We consider Google to be a third party data processor (see section 2 below).
GA makes use of cookies, details of which can be found on Google’s developer guides. Our website uses the analytics.js implementation of GA.
Disabling cookies on your internet browser will stop GA from tracking any part of your visit to pages within this website.

Learn more about Google Analytics.


1.2. Google Tag Manager

We are constantly trying to improve the customer experience on our website by providing visitors with more personalized and targeted campaigns and offerings. To do so, we use Google Tag Manager (GTM). 
GTM is a little snippet of code that helps us track user behavior anonymously across our sites and then pushes the data to our Google Analytics account. Then, all the data is perfectly organized and ready for us to assess and review for potential site improvements and remarketing campaigns. 
We consider Google to be a third party data processor (see section 2 below).

Learn more about Google Tag Manager.

1.3. Contact and download forms

Should you choose to contact us using the contact form or sticky box (see right corner of your screen), your information will be stored in our backend and solely used when calling you and not for marketing purposes. 


1.4. Email newsletter

If you choose to join our email newsletter, the email address that you submit to us will be forwarded to MailChimp who provide us with email marketing services. We consider MailChimp to be a third party data processor.
Your email address will remain within MailChimp's database for as long as we continue to use MailChimp’s services for email marketing or until you specifically request removal from the list. You can do this by unsubscribing using the unsubscribe links contained in any email newsletters that we send you or by requesting removal via email. When requesting removal via email, please send your email to us using the email account that is subscribed to the mailing list.
While your email address remains within our own - and in the MailChimp database, you will receive periodic (approximately one time a month) newsletter-style emails from us. Our newsletters will keep you posted on Hydrema product updates, used machines, and upcoming events.

1.5. Website cookies

We treat information collected by cookies and other technologies as non‑personal information. However, to the extent that Internet Protocol (IP) addresses or similar identifiers are considered personal information by local law, we also treat these identifiers as personal information.
Similarly, to the extent that non-personal information is combined with personal information, we treat the combined information as personal information for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

For more information - see the Hydrema cookie policy.

2. Our Third Party Data Processors

We use a number of third parties to process personal data on our behalf. These third parties have been carefully chosen and all of them comply with the legislation set out in the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR).

3. How Long do We Store Your Information

We will retain your personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined on our 'Consent page'. The purposes include - keeping you up-to-date on Hydrema product updates, used machines, and upcoming events. 
You can always contact us if you want your personal data 'erased' from our databases (see Section 6). We will respond without undue delay (and in any event within one month, although this can be extended in difficult cases).

4. Data Breaches

We will report any unlawful data breach of this website’s database or the database(s) of any of our third party data processors to any and all relevant persons and authorities within 72 hours of the breach if it is apparent that personal data stored in an identifiable manner has been stolen.

5. Data Controller

The data controller of this website is: A/S Hydrema Distribution, a DK Private limited Company with company number (CVR): 10006252 whose registered office is:

A/S Hydrema Distribution
Gl. Kirkevej 16
DK - 9530 Støvring
+45 98 37 13 33

The data is stored and hosted within the EU by Host Nordic (see section 2).

6. Rights of the Data Subject

As the Data Subject, you have a variety of rights in connection with our processing of your personal information according to the GDPR. 

You are entitled to information regarding our collection and processing of your personal information, which can be found in this policy. Furthermore you are entitled to have incorrect information corrected, if such is stored in our databases.

You have the right to object, if your personal information is being used for marketing without your consent.

You are entitled to have your personal information erased from our databases at any time, unless the law or any other legal basis entitles or obliges us to reject such request.

You are entitled to have all of your personal information which is stored in our database handed out in a readable format, allowing you to transfer such personal information to another service provider etc.

If we are processing any of your personal information based on consent, it is our duty to inform you, that such a consent can be withdrawn at any time by your request.

Please contact us, if you want to request access to your personal information stored in our databases, or if you want to exercise any of the rights mentioned above. We will respond without undue delay (and in any event within one month from receiving your request, although this can be extended in difficult cases).

A/S Hydrema Distribution
Gl. Kirkevej 16
DK - 9530 Støvring
+45 98 37 13 33

When a privacy question or access/download request is received we have a dedicated team which triages the contacts and seeks to address the specific concern or query which you are seeking to raise. Where your issue may be more substantive in nature, more information may be sought from you.


7. Privacy Questions

If you have any questions or concerns about the Privacy Policy or data processing or if you would like to make a complaint about a possible breach of local privacy laws, please contact us:

A/S Hydrema Distribution
Gl. Kirkevej 16
DK - 9530 Støvring
+45 98 37 13 33

When a privacy question or access/download request is received we have a dedicated team which triages the contacts and seeks to address the specific concern or query which you are seeking to raise. Where your issue may be more substantive in nature, more information may be sought from you.

If you are under the impression that we are processing your personal information in conflict with the applicable law, you can contact the following authority: 

You can find their contact information on www.datatilsynet.dk